Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Genius is temporary and circumstantial

A month back I had written about an article about how Genius is within you and at an opportune time, the genius comes out and startles everybody with its brilliance.... To add to that thought process, I further think that that phase is also temporary and circumstantial... and for you to bring in the genius in you a large factor is the environment in which you thrive... Your colleagues, subordinates, your bosses and most importantly environment and infrastructure that supports you the play a large role in bringing a genius in you....
Some clear examples of this theory I would say are doyens of yesteryear's who are now struggling to make their presence felt... What Samir Nair was for Star is not as effective for Imagine, Peter Mukherjee is a similar case in INX, Jagdeep kapoor's brilliance in Parle does not seem to have been reflected after that yet being called a brand guru... I would also say that brilliance in performance should not be confused with brilliance in innovation... a genius thinks innovatively and out of the box, resultly disproportionate growth... there are people who are brilliant never-the-less, and have been consistent in their performance to deliver goods of what they are expected of...

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