Sunday, March 8, 2009

Media versus environment

I had a recent debate with a friend (a very dear friend I must say) on how Television is going beyond its current moral responsibilities and corrupting our young generation's mind.... My friend vehemently believed that television should be curtailed for children and should be stopped from viewing it. He believed that children are at a stage when they accept ideas, whether good or bad, more easily than grown ups... I totally agreed with him on that...
But my perspective to the issue was totally different...
1) I believed, television created content that always reflected what their viewers need. Anything that falls short of expectations, is a business failure...
2) Also the content is a function of society belief, where the broadcaster creates content that is pushing the acceptance level of content in terms of vulgarity and nudity to the maximum permissible limit than what exists in the average household, the censor board too do their own due diligence.
3) I believe that today there are a lot more mediums that can influence anybody, even children.. So how can we single out one medium and say that it is responsible for the corruption... even if we manage to muffle one medium's voice other mediums will spurt out to meet the demand...
4) Today Friends, peers and family are the most influential part of your lifestyle and behavior. what is accepted in the society is more a reflection of what is happening in front of you, rather than what is happening on silver screen or any other medium... If certain bad words are permitted in one friend circle, it is not permitted in another...

I would rest my case in you taking anus of your child and ensure you inculcate right cultural and behavioral standards... let the child understand these finer points of life and take his own decision to create his own standards... he will have the power to choose his friends who he can handle through his life, his education, his deeds and mis-deeds... and if we have done that we have given our child teh best education...

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